Friday, November 13, 2009

November News

Hello Everyone!

Well, here we are already halfway through another month. Here are some brief highlights about what has happened since my last post in October:

First off, we had a Barn Dance! This was a great outreach and opportunity to connect with students. Around 100 people attended this event. Thank you for your prayers!

Secondly, our staff has been to and from SanDestin, FL for our National Collegiate Conference. Jerry Bridges was our main speaker and he challenged from the Word on the topics of the Sovereignty, Holiness, and Love of God. I also got the opportunity to help with worship during the week, and learned more practical tips in how to intentionally disciple women. Thank you for your prayers, we all returned safely! :)

The photos above are me with Amber and Alicia. These are two girls that are in my Bible study that I also meet with weekly in a discipleship relationship. These women have a strong desire to grow in their relationships with the Lord! They desire to know how to have a quiet time and walk with God daily. It is a privilege to walk through their freshman year of college with them!
**Three of Alicia's family members just accepted God's free gift of salvation this past weekend!! Praise God!**

Please continue to pray for the following:

1) The Navigator Staff & ISU Students desire to know Christ and make Him known on campus.

2) The Larch Ladies Bible Study-for women to come to know Christ and desire to grow in their relationship with Him.

3) Thanksgiving Break-for the staff & ISU students to have a true heart of gratefulness towards the Lord for His many blessings.

I have been reading in Romans lately and was encouraged by the following verses. I pray you are encouraged by them as well!

"May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." Romans 15:5-7
In Christ,
Sarah Ann

"And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." 2 Timothy 2:2

EDGEer Alyssa & I on the Beach in SanDestin, FL

1 comment:

  1. These are SUCH fun pictures! I'm so glad you got to go to FL to learn and grow! Love you much, girlie, and I'm praying for your ministry at ISU :)
