Hello Everyone!
Do you know how many times I have meant to update this thing!? It has just been so busy!! That's why this post is entitled "The Fall Has Flown By!" It literally has, and now we find ourselves in mid-October with snow already falling in some areas. Crazy! I pray as you are reading this that "the joy of the Lord truly is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10) That verse seems to be the theme of this blog and life currently! He is our Joy, our Strength, our Rock and our Redeemer. Here are a few highlights of the happenings here at ISU!
Sweets & Feets: The pictures above are from our women's event entitled "Sweets & Feets." This was an outreach opportunity with the purpose of building community and enjoying fellowship together as women. A Mary Kay consultant graciously volunteered to do facials, while others painted nails. We also baked apple crisp & monkey bread and enjoyed many other yummy desserts! It was a true blessing to connect with women from other Bible studies, hear testimonies, and just hang out.
Main Event: We took 28 ISU students down to Kansas City this past weekend for our regional conference entitled, "Main Event." Our speaker was Eddie Broussard, and his talks centered on the "Reality of the Eternal God, Eternal Word, Eternal Son, and Eternal Soul." It has been wonderful to dialogue with students afterwards and hear about what God taught them at the conference. They are discovering what it is to completely surrender their lives over to the King. Praise the Lord for the work He did in Kansas City and what He is continuing to do in the hearts and minds of our students! Below is a picture of part of our crew.

Next Steps...this Friday we have a Barn Dance outreach, so please pray as we are recruiting students to come to this event! It will be a great time to meet and connect with students who may not feel comfortable coming to a Bible study or NavNight. Pray for conversations and connections with students. Also, October 26-November 3 I will be in San Destin, FL for our National Conference. Please pray for all of the Navigator staff as they travel for training, encouragement, refreshment, and fellowship. Thank you for your continued prayer and support!