Me, Alyssa & Sarah at a Barn Dance
ISU Staffers & Students after Tailgate
Here is a list of newness, or how my life has drastically changed:
1. New place to live (duplex)
2. New town
3. New and completely different job
4. New friends
So, like it says in the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness," this chapter in my life is called "Changes." Isn't it amazing where God takes us or how He strips familiar things away in our lives in order to mold and shape us? I am constantly reminded to find my identity in Christ-not in familiarity, my job, or relationships. In Christ alone can we find true peace and security no matter where we are and what we're doing. Amen to that, right?!? A friend encouraged me with a verse yesterday, and I hope it encourages you as well:
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12
God bless you all, and I pray no matter what you are going through, that the JOY of the LORD is your strength!
In Christ,
Sarah Ann