Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We read Isaiah 9 in preparation for Christmas. The cards are the women's prayer requests & reflections.
Total Number of Cookies Made: 150+ Looks on Students/Neighbors Faces: Priceless :)
Amber, Lindsey, Myself & Katie Doing the Silly Shot
These Larch Ladies are Wonderful

Is it almost Christmas?? Really?!? This semester has just flown by. Our Larch Ladies Bible study has wrapped up with its study on "The Unseen Kingdom." We dove into the parables to see what the Kingdom of God actually looks like and what it means to live in it. We ended our semester with a Larch Ladies Christmas Party at my duplex. (See pictures above.) We read Isaiah 9, reflecting on the prophecy of the coming Messiah. I then had the girls write down what they had learned this past semester, prayer requests over break, and how they would like to grow this next semester in Bible study. Then, we made sugar cookies for the elderly at Bickford Cottage and watched "Elf.":) It was a wonderful bonding time for the girls and a great service project in the Ames community. Lindsey and I were able to bring the cookies to Bickford the next day and talk with the residents. They were blessed as we were by their company and stories. On December 11th, we had our Navigator Ugly Sweater Christmas Party out at the Martens home. We had a devotional, games, food, cookie decorating, and craft making. Many students came out and had a great time fellowshipping together.

Well, now I am home in Indianola spending time with family and catching up with friends. I am traveling to St. Louis for Urbana with ISU students Dec. 27th-31st. Please pray for safe travels and teachable hearts as we go to this conference. The spring semester starts up Jan. 11th! We will be studying 1 Thessalonians as a Bible Study together. Please pray for Lindsey, Alicia, Katie, and Amber as we dive into this book.

God bless you all, and I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas! In the hustle and bustle of the season, I pray you are able to reflect upon the Reason for the Season, Jesus Christ.

In Christ,
Sarah Ann

"For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over His kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this." Isaiah 9:6-7

Friday, November 13, 2009

November News

Hello Everyone!

Well, here we are already halfway through another month. Here are some brief highlights about what has happened since my last post in October:

First off, we had a Barn Dance! This was a great outreach and opportunity to connect with students. Around 100 people attended this event. Thank you for your prayers!

Secondly, our staff has been to and from SanDestin, FL for our National Collegiate Conference. Jerry Bridges was our main speaker and he challenged from the Word on the topics of the Sovereignty, Holiness, and Love of God. I also got the opportunity to help with worship during the week, and learned more practical tips in how to intentionally disciple women. Thank you for your prayers, we all returned safely! :)

The photos above are me with Amber and Alicia. These are two girls that are in my Bible study that I also meet with weekly in a discipleship relationship. These women have a strong desire to grow in their relationships with the Lord! They desire to know how to have a quiet time and walk with God daily. It is a privilege to walk through their freshman year of college with them!
**Three of Alicia's family members just accepted God's free gift of salvation this past weekend!! Praise God!**

Please continue to pray for the following:

1) The Navigator Staff & ISU Students desire to know Christ and make Him known on campus.

2) The Larch Ladies Bible Study-for women to come to know Christ and desire to grow in their relationship with Him.

3) Thanksgiving Break-for the staff & ISU students to have a true heart of gratefulness towards the Lord for His many blessings.

I have been reading in Romans lately and was encouraged by the following verses. I pray you are encouraged by them as well!

"May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." Romans 15:5-7
In Christ,
Sarah Ann

"And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." 2 Timothy 2:2

EDGEer Alyssa & I on the Beach in SanDestin, FL

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Fall Has Flown By!

Hello Everyone!

Do you know how many times I have meant to update this thing!? It has just been so busy!! That's why this post is entitled "The Fall Has Flown By!" It literally has, and now we find ourselves in mid-October with snow already falling in some areas. Crazy! I pray as you are reading this that "the joy of the Lord truly is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10) That verse seems to be the theme of this blog and life currently! He is our Joy, our Strength, our Rock and our Redeemer. Here are a few highlights of the happenings here at ISU!

Sweets & Feets: The pictures above are from our women's event entitled "Sweets & Feets." This was an outreach opportunity with the purpose of building community and enjoying fellowship together as women. A Mary Kay consultant graciously volunteered to do facials, while others painted nails. We also baked apple crisp & monkey bread and enjoyed many other yummy desserts! It was a true blessing to connect with women from other Bible studies, hear testimonies, and just hang out.

Main Event: We took 28 ISU students down to Kansas City this past weekend for our regional conference entitled, "Main Event." Our speaker was Eddie Broussard, and his talks centered on the "Reality of the Eternal God, Eternal Word, Eternal Son, and Eternal Soul." It has been wonderful to dialogue with students afterwards and hear about what God taught them at the conference. They are discovering what it is to completely surrender their lives over to the King. Praise the Lord for the work He did in Kansas City and what He is continuing to do in the hearts and minds of our students! Below is a picture of part of our crew.

Next Steps...this Friday we have a Barn Dance outreach, so please pray as we are recruiting students to come to this event! It will be a great time to meet and connect with students who may not feel comfortable coming to a Bible study or NavNight. Pray for conversations and connections with students. Also, October 26-November 3 I will be in San Destin, FL for our National Conference. Please pray for all of the Navigator staff as they travel for training, encouragement, refreshment, and fellowship. Thank you for your continued prayer and support!

In Christ,
Sarah Ann
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Changes Galore

Me, Alyssa & Sarah at a Barn Dance
ISU Staffers & Students after Tailgate

Here is a list of newness, or how my life has drastically changed:

1. New place to live (duplex)
2. New town
3. New and completely different job
4. New friends

So, like it says in the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness," this chapter in my life is called "Changes." Isn't it amazing where God takes us or how He strips familiar things away in our lives in order to mold and shape us? I am constantly reminded to find my identity in Christ-not in familiarity, my job, or relationships. In Christ alone can we find true peace and security no matter where we are and what we're doing. Amen to that, right?!? A friend encouraged me with a verse yesterday, and I hope it encourages you as well:

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

God bless you all, and I pray no matter what you are going through, that the JOY of the LORD is your strength!

In Christ,
Sarah Ann

NWC Friends at Jess & Caleb's Wedding

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Destination: Ames

What a whirlwind of a summer it has been! I've definitely had my traveling shoes on. From being in 8 states, to a family reunion, to singing in two weddings and standing up at my roommate's wedding, it's been crazy! Well, now I find myself at my destination: Ames. God has been incredibly good and blessed me tremendously with being supported at 109%. I cannot believe it! It humbles me to see God's provision. It is a miracle to raise all that money and beyond in 6 weeks. Praise the Lord! I pray that if you are reading this, that you will truly resonate with the words of Paul in Philippians:

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstance. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil. 4:11-13

Please continue to pray for the following things as I adjust in Ames:

1) Pray for team unity and getting to know my team before the school year kicks off
2) Pray for an adjustment to the area and culture of ISU
3) Pray for my housing situation to be solidified (I'm currently crashing at some teammates home)
4) For the Lord to direct me to the right girls, hearts to be opened, and relationships in Christ to be formed.

Thank you for reading this!! I pray God blesses all of you, and if you are ever in Ames, please let me know :)

In Christ,

Monday, August 10, 2009


Last week my family flew out to Walla Walla, WA, for our biannual Selby Family Reunion. We spend a week together hanging out, catching up, playing games, enjoying good food, and hiking. My grandpa is 94, and was a missionary in Pakistan. He actually used Navigators materials in their evangelism and ministry in Pakistan, and gave me a booklet in Urdu, their native language. My family is incredible, and it's awesome to see the legacy of faith among us. It's such a blessing to pray together and fellowship with each other. Here are some pics from the trip:

The Navigator ministry booklet in Urdu that my grandpa gave me. Crazy, huh?!?

My cousin Bridgette & I walked over the river on that log. It was kind of scary, but we made it!!

The view on our hike. We walked along the South Walla Walla River, it was beautiful!

My cousin Bridgette's daughter, Madeleine, had many faces. This is just one of them!

My aunts Mary, Esther, my Dad, Janet & Becky. My grandpa & grandma, LeRoy & Anita.

My parents, Lois & Jerry, in our AMAZING Comfort Inn & Suites room!

My cousins, Kaisa & Robyn, with their brother's daughter Melina. She had many cute faces!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Dress

Ok, crazy story! So, I needed to get a dress altered for my roommate's wedding, and I randomly found a lady in my hometown who was able to do it. As I was talking with her, I found out she grew up in the Christian Reformed Church, and I mentioned that my grandpa was a Christian Reformed minister. She said she grew up in Hawarden, IA and I knew my mom's family lived in or near there at one time. At this time I didn't think anything of it, but told her what I was doing with The Navigators and gave her my business card. Two days later, I picked up the dress and we got to talking again. I mentioned that my grandma, Ann Buseman, lived with my parents. This woman replied, "Oh, I knew Busemans in Hawarden! Fred Buseman." To which I replied, "That's my grandpa!!" It turns out that my grandpa was the minister at her home church growing up, and remembered that he really worked with her brother with his faith. What a small world! She even remembered my mom and my aunt's middle names. Now they all live in Indianola. Isn't it crazy how the Lord brings people back together? The legacy of faith and connection of believers never ceases to amaze me. Who would have thought one little dress could bring about such a story...

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Journey to and from MN

What stories a week can bring! I left last Sunday afternoon for Cherokee, IA to visit some dear friends. We caught up, talked about ministry, and they even took me boating. What a blessing! I took off from Cherokee Monday afternoon. This week was full of ups and downs. I had 9 meetings scheduled in MN, and stayed at my old apartment with the two roomies. Here are a few cool God stories, or ways in which He worked in my heart and the hearts of others this week...

The Challenge: I was reading in 1 Samuel 18 about how Saul, the king, rushes to make a sacrifice before Samuel, the prophet of the Lord, arrives. Samuel rebukes Saul and as the story goes on, the Lord removes His blessing from Saul because of his lack of obedience. It made me think, how often do I rush and make decisions before seeking the Lord and His guidance as to what I should do or how I should act? It was a challenge to put the Lord first in all things, including fundraising, and be patient.

Coincidence or Providence? As I was reading in 1 Samuel, I continued to read about when David must flee the presence of Saul because he is afraid for his life. David runs to a place where the king is Achish (Samuel 21). Now, this king has heard of David's reputation, and many in the town were saying, "Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands." David was again afraid he would be killed, so he pretended to be insane before the king. In the book Trusting God by Jerry Bridges, I read about the author's favorite Psalm to read during times of discouragement, which happened to be Psalm 34, one David wrote when he pretended to be insane before the king. Coincidence? I think not. It's amazing how the Lord orchestrated that I read that passage of Scripture along with that chapter in Jerry's book. The day before I read that chapter, the Lord had placed Psalm 34:8 on my heart as well, "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him." Amazing...

Caribou Ladies: So, it was Wednesday night in MN, and I was feeling rather tired, and discouraged. I was crying out to the Lord for strength, and feeling overwhelmed by the amount I yet had to raise and the quickly approaching deadline of August 15th. I knew and continue to know that God is good and faithful, but at the time my emotions were trying to take control. Little did I know that one of the friends I was staying with recognized my discouragement, and began praying the next morning, "Lord, please allow Sarah to feel encouraged this day. Help something happen to her just to remind her You're with her in this process." So, I had a meeting at Caribou Coffee, and afterwards was doing some work and my devotions. I overheard these 3 ladies talking about "born-again Christians" and differences in denominations. Eventually one lady struck up a conversation with me about my MacBook. We all started talking, and eventually I told them about the ministry of The Navigators and what I'd be doing. It was amazing! They were all Christians, and wanted to get updates on the ministry at ISU this upcoming year. They prayed over me, and one of them even provided me with a monetary gift. When I shared this with my friend, she exclaimed, "That's crazy, because I prayed for you this morning that something encouraging would happen!!" What an answer to prayer, and encouragement.

Wedding Friends: After my week in MN, 2 of my friends and myself traveled to Sioux Falls for a NWC friend's wedding. We sang 2 songs during the ceremony. To be honest, I was slightly concern with the cost of travel, etc., along with losing 2 days in the fundraising process. Yet, I was super excited to celebrate my friend's big day! I didn't want to miss it. What blessings the Lord had in store! One of the friends I traveled with blessed me with free lodging. Another purchased me breakfast! I also received a call from my mom about a friend blessing me with a significant gift towards the ministry. Isn't it incredible how the Lord provides?

I hope that these stories are encouraging to you. I pray that whatever life circumstances you are going through, you will truly "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is that man that takes refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8

In Christ,
Sarah Ann

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nav Update

Hello Everyone,

Thank you SO much for following this blog and supporting the ministry of the Navigators at Iowa State! Just wanted to give you an update as to how things are going. Currently, I am in MN meeting with people. I continue to be amazed at God's faithfulness and the stories I hear from the people I meet with as to what God is doing in their lives. I have learned so much, and it has been a true blessing!

As for funding, I am currently at 35%. The goal is to raise around $31,000 by Aug. 15th so that I can be on campus to greet the freshman as they come in. Please continue to pray for provision in this! Also, if you are interested in partnering with me financially in this ministry, let me know or follow the link on my group page on Facebook. If you haven't joined, it's Prayer & Support for Sarah Selby. I have been in contact with many of you already, but if I haven't I would love your contact info. in order to send a support letter! Meeting with you would be fantastic.

This verse has been the prayer of my heart, and I hope it also encourages you this day:

"And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:19

I pray God blesses you all!

In Him,
Sarah Selby

Saturday, July 18, 2009


30...what do you think of when you think of the number 30?  Age?  A date or maybe a birthday?  Well, currently the number 30 stands for percent, as in I am 30% funded for The Navigator ministry at ISU.  I praise God for ways in which He has brought in the funds thus far, and I am so excited to share stories of His faithfulness throughout this process!  I have learned SO much about trust and dependence on God through fundraising, and realized how often my circumstances determine how much or little I DO in fact trust.  For example, if things are going well I praise God, but do I also praise God when life is crumbling around me?
know God is sovereign in the good and bad, but do I live like it?  Is my attitude in life based on truth, or life situations and emotions?  I have recognized the rollercoaster of emotions in my life through this process, and desire to grow in complete submission and dependence on the Lord for financial provision.  God is good, all the time, whether I'm fully funded by Aug. 15th or not!  The book Trusting God by Jerry Bridges has been very encouraging in this process.  Chapter 3 was entitled "The Sovereignty of God" and started off with this verse:

"The Lord foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of the peoples.  But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations."  ~Psalm 33:10-11

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


While at training in Colorado we have had many speakers come and talk to us about various topics such as relationships, prayer, Scripture meditation and memorization, and how to reach our campuses for Christ.  One particular subject stuck out to me, and it is that of "Doors."  We watched a video showing various doors relating them to the hearts of people.  Some hearts have wounds, some are locked tight, but the love of Christ can open these doors.  I took this picture at the Glen Eyrie, and it's a reminder that Jesus says, "Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."  Revelation 3:20  The question remains, will you let him in?  

Monday, June 22, 2009

A New Journey

Hello everyone!  Welcome to my blog.  I am new this whole world of blogging, but I hope to keep you updated on my ministry with The Navigators at the Iowa State University campus this next year.  I am excited to invest in the lives of college students, and to see what the Lord has in store.  If you would like to make a contribution to The Navigators and my ministry at ISU, please click on the link posted on this page and follow the instructions on the site provided.  God bless you all, and thanks for reading!